Welcome to Grimée Observatory
This site contains an overview of my amateur CCD astrophotography made
in my dome observatory located in my light polluted garden in Bonnert near Arlon in Belgium.
The astronomical CCD images on these pages were taken using a variety of equipment over the years, including :
- for planetary, lunar and solar astrophotography :
- a ToUcam Pro webcam and a Meade LPI,
- for deep sky astrophotography :
- a Starlight Xpress MX5C one-shot color CCD camera,
- a SBIG ST-2000XCM large one-shot color CCD camera
- a SBIG ST-10XME camera, a large, very sensitive monochrome camera
- and finally my last camera : a SBIG STL-11000M camera, a very large (24x36mm) monochrome camera.
These imagers were mounted on the following telescopes:
- a Meade ETX90 (90mm f/13.8) Maksutov-Cassegrain reflector,
- a Meade 10" LX200GPS SMT (254mm f/10) Schmidt-Cassegrain reflector,
- a Takahashi FS-102 (102mm f/8) fluorite apochromatic refractor,
- and finally the famous Takahashi FSQ-106 (106mm f/5) fluorite quadruplet apochromatic refractor.
What's New
2007-03-17:The moon eclipse image of 2007-03-03 is now available:  2006-05-01: Images of the total solar eclipse of 2006 March 29 in Libya are now available:  The trip to the eclipse observation site has been organised by Astro-Gard astronomy club. We were a group of about 228 persons. It was my first eclipse: the total solar eclipse of 1999 August 11 visible from my backyard had been eclipsed by the clouds! :-( .I took my revenge this time: the observation site was in the Libyan desert at Jalu South Camp (80km south of Jalu) specially created by the Libyen government: no clouds were visible, even at the horizon..., no wind and a position almost on the centerline...
Light Pollution
Preserve a dark sky in harmony with the UNESCO universal declaration of future generation rights:
"Persons belonging to future generations have the right
to an uncontaminated and undamaged Earth,
including pure skies."
Light pollution resources in Belgium: Association pour la Sauvegarde du Ciel Nocturne