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The Heart Nebula (IC 1805)

IC 1805
click on image or below for larger image
[ 800 x 533 ] [ 1280 x 853 ] [ 2560 x 1707 ]

Category Nebulas 
Scope Takahashi FSQ-106 at f/5 
Camera SBIG STL-11000M 
Picture Date 2007-02-15 
Publish Date 2008-02-02 
Comment Ha: 2 x 30 minutes
R: 2 x 10 minutes (2x2 binning)
G: 2 x 10 minutes (2x2 binning)
B: 2 x 10 minutes (2x2 binning)
This image is the colour version of the monochrome Halpha version. 

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